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Choosing the Positive

This life has so many beautiful things to offer. But at the same time, life can also throw so much negativity in front of us that sometimes, you just need something to grab on to, to keep you from stumbling head first. I bet each person have had their own share of positivity versus negativity battle. And I’m no excuse.

Am I doing something wrong? Probably. Am I not qualified to get hired? Am I not good enough? Did I really make the right decision? Should I have just stayed at my day job? Am I seriously doubting and regretting right now?

These are just some of the thoughts that even I can’t escape sometimes. And you know, as soon as you let those negative thoughts into your mind, it flows freely there and it stays there until you mindfully shoo it away. It also gets harder to stop them the longer you’ve been entertaining those thoughts.

During an annual event in our church, a mini book sale has been setup outside the hall. Upon passing by this book sale, a book by Tommy Newberry caught my attention. The title says “40 days to a Joy-Filled Life”. My, it would be really nice to live each day of my life filled with joy regardless of what circumstances I’m actually facing. To choose to be grateful and joyful even in if things do not go according to what we hoped for. This encounter with the book was timely! I got really curious so I went closer and decided to peer into the first few pages of the book and landed in a page with the following written on it:

Think excellent thoughts, not mediocre thoughts Think focused thoughts, not scattered thoughts Think fresh, exciting thoughts, not stale, boring thoughts Think compassionate thoughts, not harsh thoughts Think innovative thoughts, not common thoughts Think loving thoughts, not indifferent thoughts Think energetic thoughts, not exhausted thoughts Think constructive thoughts, not destructive thoughts Think helpful thoughts, not hurtful thoughts Think successful thoughts, not failure thoughts Think faith thoughts, not fear thoughts Think fit thoughts, not fat thoughts Think bold thoughts, not comfort thoughts Think opportunity thoughts, not security thoughts

Think giving thoughts, not getting thoughts Think serving thoughts, not self-centered thoughts Think grateful thoughts, not entitled thoughts Think abundant thoughts, not lacking thoughts Think responsible thoughts, not irresponsible thoughts Think reconciliation thoughts, not retaliation thoughts Think principled thoughts, not popular thoughts Think positive thoughts, not negative thoughts Think thoughts of victory, not thoughts of defeat And think about the promises of God, not the problems of this world…

The book is about consciously choosing to live a Joy-Filled life and the practical ways of how this is done so. Guess what? I bought a copy of the book and I am certainly enjoying it in this season of my life. I swore to myself to make it my business to choose to entertain the positive thoughts and cut-off on the negative ones – all for living life with radiating joy. I can’t wait to become a changed person ;)

Now let me ask you... How about you?

Professional Virtual Assistant, Joy, Affordable Assistant, Freelancer

Now let me ask you… How about you?

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